

The story of the company

Customer: REDUCCIA s.r.o.

NATURHOUSE is a global network of nutrition counselling clinics that clients can use in 32 countries around the world. The concept of NATURHOUSE nutrition counselling centres was founded in 1992 in Spain. The founder of the NATURHOUSE concept is Félix Revuelta. It was he who came up with the idea of offering people who have weight problems a one-stop service that addresses the cause and not the effect of being overweight. Thus began the development of NATURHOUSE, a network of nutritional counselling centres where professionally trained staff teach clients about healthy weight loss, good nutrition and diet. For its counselling centres, NATURHOUSE produces high-quality nutritional supplements, foods and cosmetics based on concentrated extracts of herbs, fruits and other natural ingredients in its own laboratories. The license to offer NATURHOUSE products and services in the Czech Republic was obtained in 2008 by REDUCCIA s.r.o., which has since opened or supported the establishment of more than 90 outlets at the franchise level.

Year of realisation
Years of cooperation
Establishment of the company

The biggest advantages of WinShop solution

The provision of services and sales of nutritional supplements throughout the NATURHOUSE network requires consolidation and regular updating of the catalogue, optimised stock levels and a reliable POS system that enables registered customers to carry out business transactions. All these functionalities and many others, which have been added to WinShop Std. system for the NATURHOUSE concept in the course of the cooperation, are used by the staff at more than 90 locations throughout the Czech Republic.