Selected references

Our company has completed more than 3000 implementations in 30 years. In selected references we have prepared a description of some of our implementations for customers with an emphasis on their business area. Thus, you can get to know several typical implementations in each of the listed areas and compare their story with your needs. If you are interested in the solutions of the reference customers, please contact us and we will be happy to present the selected solutions in detail. If you have not found one that meets your needs among the references, please contact us at and describe your requirements, we will send you the corresponding reference and propose a tailor-made solution to your needs.

Meat production

WinShop production, dispatch and warehouse system provides meat processing plants with the optimal tool to simplify the production, dispatch and sale of meat products. The basic meat processing functionalities include mainly a cutting terminal, a production terminal and a dispatch terminal. All meat processing and dispatch processes have implemented the principles of animal traceability, working with recipes, calculations and cutting breakdowns. Other important solution tools include raw material and product records, raw material demolition yield assessment, production waste tracking and sales statistics. All types of applications meet the requirements based on WELMEC standards and are interfacable with various types of wheights and portable data terminals.

The main advantages of the system include:

  • demolition touch terminal with connected scale and label printer
  • production touchscreen terminal with connected wheight and label printer
  • forwarding terminal with order picking
  • expeditions using portable terminals
  • accurate stock records of raw materials and products
  • quick inventory of stock
  • traceability of the animal's origin
  • EDI communication, customer and supplier order fulfilment
  • connection of demolition and production terminals to DIGI scales
  • compliance with WELMEC legislative requirements
  • statistical information on the yield of demolition of raw materials
  • analyses of sales to customers

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