

The story of the company

Customer: Storge s.r.o.

The name Storge s.r.o. is not a random choice, it is the ancient Greek word for affection. Considering the services on offer and the customer friendly approach, it is a more than apt name. During the time of the company's existence (since 1999) the company has managed to build a very strong and stable position on the Czech and Slovak market. The main priority of the company is the freshness of the flowers offered. For this reason, the company buys a large share of the assortment directly from growers from all over the world or online at the Dutch Flower Exchange. The company Storge s.r.o. has branches in Prague, Brno and since 2022 the wholesale Storge SK s.r.o Bratislava is open.

Year of realisation
Years of cooperation
Establishment of the company

The biggest advantages of WinShop solution

The wholesale flower segment is quite specific. It deals with an assortment of cut and potted flowers that are perishable. For this reason, it requires special optimization tools for inventory evidence, a flexible way of meeting the requirements of retail outlets with subsequent planning and predicting of orders from foreign suppliers. A completely separate chapter of the solution is also the support of mobile sales, which enables the recording of sales, depreciation and the inventory of each sales car.